- 一條龍
- (一條龍, 一条龙)
1.比喻一個長列。 如: 幾十輛小轎車排成一條龍飛馳而過。
2.比喻生產程序或工作環節上的緊密聯繫和配合。 如: 紡織局和石化總廠聯合起來, 用“一條龍”辦法開發化纖新產品。
Ханьюй Да Цыдянь. 1975—1993.
Ханьюй Да Цыдянь. 1975—1993.
Singaporean Mahjong scoring rules — are similar to that of the Chinese Old Style / Hong Kong system, but accounts for the different set of tiles used therein.= Tile system =The Singaporean Mahjong tile system consists of 148 tiles, and is slightly different from that of other… … Wikipedia